When vag com have any question, you must program Atmega162 with an external programmer. Any advise please?Ī: Reprogram it, you need Reflash the china vag com Q: When plug the vag com 11.11 with your pc, it is not recognised and comes up as "FFFFFFFFFFFFF". Step 6:Copy loader to your VCDS directory. Step 5: Solder 3 wires as shown on the pic with blue lines. Step 4: Reflash GAL16V8 (ATF16V8) with dump. Step 2: Remove components IC8, R50, R51, D7 as shown on the pic with red arrows. Firstly, supply 12V power to the Vag com VCDS interface, Connect ATMEGA 162 chip with port LPT of the pc to program it as shown on this picture: How to fix VCDS interface FT232R chip protection error: Vag com 11.11 cable vcds 11.11 crack vcds hex usb interface

Below OBD2Tuning sharing how to fix fix VCDS interface FT232R chip protection error. Some customers feedback that when they using vcds diagnose interface can usb meet VCDS connect problem: does not work, (not plugged into car message / interface worx) and cant update it to Vag com 12.12. OBD2Tuning offer china vag com cable such as: Vagcom 11.11, VCDS 12.10, VAG com 11.11.3. How to solve vag com cable vcds diagnose interface connect problem