Milestones are reminiscent of the memories feature in The Sims 2 and Sims 3, which automatically tracked big moments in Sims’ lives.

They appear to be triggered by gameplay, and can range from big life events, like getting promoted and having a midlife crisis, to smaller ones, like a Sim accidentally wetting themself (something we got to see during the Sims presentation). One of the biggest additions in the new pack is the introduction of milestones, which mark important events throughout a Sim’s entire life and track a Sim’s growth. As for elders, at long last they get some new specific interactions, like Giving Life Lessons or picking a favorite grandchild (which totally tracks IRL). Children finally have new aspirations, including Playtime Captain and Slumber Party Animal, which shows how much this pack is going to dive into their downtime. Some of the new quirks are silly and charming, adding detail to a young Sim’s growth across their early years: An infant Sim can be a Messy Eater, but toddler Sims get a little more sass with Picky Eater and Hates Bedtime. Though the expansion is separate from the March 14 base game update that introduces the infant life stage, this pack expands on what that life stage has to offer. But Growing Together will add much-needed special features like milestones, and relationship compatibility, along with smaller details like new aspirations for children, new quirks for toddlers and infants, and new interactions for elders. The latter focused mostly on parents, children, and teens. In a way, Growing Together seems to be a rebuff of the Parenthood pack.