This build relies on 2 things, the Blood Coat legendary shield, and any kill skill that recharges the players shield. Installing BL2 Reborn Troubleshooting BL2 Reborn Changelog Importing Mods and first time editing a wiki page, so go easy on me. 1 Assault Rifles 2 Pistols 3 Rocket Launchers 4 Shotguns 5 SMGs 6 Sniper Rifles 7 Shields 8. The old sheet will continue to be updated - when it does, this page will receive updates as well. We have moved the information to the wiki so its stored in a centralized place. The Loot Sources in Reborn page is a replication of this google sheet (expired) which holds all the loot data in BL2 Reborn.Installing BL2 Reborn BL2reborn Wiki Fando On this Wiki, you'll find: How to install and set up BL2 Reborn quick and easy as well as various troubleshooting steps should you encounter issues You can view the changelog for reborn here. BL2 Reborn is currently on patch - if you are running an older version, please download the newest version on the nexus page.Currently including 150+ mods and over 750 changes If you want to experience Borderlands 2 in a new way, this modpack is exactly for you.If you do not already have BLCMM installed, you can click here and download it. In order to easily customize BL2 Reborn to your tastes, you need to use Borderlands Community Mod Manager (BLCMM). BL2 Reborn is a modpack and an overhaul with lots of customization options.Do yourself the favor and go in blind with a new character. Playing on an existing save file and/or using Gibbed to find about everything heavily cripples your experience in this.

A modpack to permanently replace vanilla Borderlands 2 Reborn is intended to give you the feeling of finding and experiencing the game as if it was fresh and just released again.Home Borderlands 2 Reborn BL2 Reborn at Borderlands 2 Nexus - Mods and communit